Deliver assured quality
Mirror the search experience from the UK's biggest automotive marketplace.
Our search facility has been built and refined based on learnings from the biggest audience of buyers in the UK.
Auto trader connect - Website search
Building a reliable search facility that consumers love requires a huge amount of data in automotive. It's a big part of the value we deliver to consumers and a feature that requires a lot of effort to keep up to date. We're now giving you access to this data to build an equally efficient search function on your own website or app.
Search built by Auto Trader, so you don't have to.
Mirror the search experience from the UK's biggest automotive marketplace.
Our search facility has been built and refined based on learnings from the biggest audience of buyers in the UK.
Plug into any website or application saving build time and technical debt.
The technology and supporting data is available out of the box and updates in real-time ensuring it's always right up to date.
Deliver a combined search experience with added features for new and used cars.
Introduce added functionality like monthly payment search and compare new and used vehicles through a single search facility.
This service is chargeable as an add-on to core advertising packages.
To find out if your technology partner has a live integration with this module speak to your Auto Trader Account Manager or your technology partner directly. Alternatively fill out the form below.
It's likely that your technology partner will manage this integration on your behalf.
For partners or retailers wishing to manage a direct integration, you should integrate the API's listed below.
Search, refine and sort advertised vehicles