Kramer KT357
£49,500 +VAT
c/w air con, air seat, load stabiliser, Kramer quick hitch, bucket repositioning & shaking function, boom scraper, Kramer headstock, 460/70R24 tyres. St# 71139563
Auto Trader farm
Skip to contentSkip to footerWith 5 used Kramer KT357 machines available on Auto Trader, we have a fantastic range of farm equipment for sale across the UK.
Kramer KT357
£49,500 +VAT
c/w air con, air seat, load stabiliser, Kramer quick hitch, bucket repositioning & shaking function, boom scraper, Kramer headstock, 460/70R24 tyres. St# 71139563
Kramer KT357
£49,500 +VAT
c/w air con, pick up hitch, load stabiliser, high cab option, trailer brakes, reversing fan, boom scraper, all round illumination, air seat, 460/70R24 Alliance tyres. St# 71136274
Kramer KT357
£49,500 +VAT
c/w air con, trailer brakes, load stabiliser, bucket repositioning & shaking function, Kramer quick hitch, air seat, pick up hitch, reversing camera / fan, boom scraper. St# A1131782