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Your questions answered
Riding a motorcycle is good for the health and is considered light exercise but on these modern, busy streets is dangerous, uncomfortable and quite often impractical, so would you even consider beginning to ride in the first place? Read our ways in which motorcycling might actually be a good, useful and worthwhile pursuit..
The CBT is not a test, the ‘T’ in the acronym definitely stands for ‘training’ which usually lasts for around 1 working day. The purpose is to provide the basic skills & knowledge to ride on the roads safely. A CBT is compulsory, so anyone who wantings to ride a motorcycle or scooter in the UK needs a CBT, everyone riding on the roads today with an L plate will have had to have completed the course at some time in their lives.
Beginning your motorcycling journey can seem like a daunting prospect. People will tell you that it’s too impractical, too expensive or simply too dangerous, but if you can deflect a lot of that, you’ll find that it will could soon become one of the most rewarding experience of your life. In fact, the training and lessons themselves are actually straightforward - and most of all, they should be fun!
When you think motorcycle safety, it’s natural to consider things such as your helmet, motorcycle clothing and equipment (including safety functions on your bike) first and above all else. Whilst all of those elements of a motorcycle rider’s paraphernalia are important, it’s the way in which, and how, you actually ride that’s the most important aspect of any motorcycle riders’ ability to stay safe on the road.
When it comes to motorcycling, a lot of people - quite rightly - focus on the riding safety of the rider, and there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of articles across magazines and the internet focused on choosing the right helmet, the differences in the kind of armour available and how to select the most protective pair of gloves. But what about your bike?